The Official

ADOS AF Maryland State Chapter

American Descendants of Slavery Advocacy Foundation Maryland Chapter (ADOS AF MD) is the Maryland state subdivision of the American Descendants of Slavery Advocacy Foundation (ADOS AF). 

The goal of ADOS AF MD is to galvanize ADOS Marylanders around local and state-level issues that impact their quality of life.  Our chapter strives to: 1) build relationships with and provide political education to local communities, 2) advocate for local- and state-level policies affecting ADOS Marylanders and, 3) establish rapport with state and local officials and governmental departments as a way to enhance engagement in the political process for local ADOS communities.


State Legislation to Watch

The Official ADOS AF MD

Local Black Agenda

State-level Data Disaggregation

ADOS AF MD wants state-level disaggregated data within the Black or African American category

Maryland consist of 6,180,253 million people, of which, 31.7% (1.9 million people) are Black or African-American

Source: United States Census Bureau. (2023). QuickFacts Maryland; United States.

Establish a Governor’s Commission on ADOS affairs

There are 7 ethnic commissions in the Maryland Gov. Office of Community Initiatives

African Affairs (est. 2009), Asian Pacific American Affairs (est. 2007), Caribbean Affairs (est. 2012), Hispanic Affairs (est. 2007), Middle Eastern American Affairs (est. 2007), South Asian American Affairs (est. 2012), Indian Affairs (est. 1976 by the Maryland General Assembly)

Source: Maryland State Government (n.d.). The Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives.

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